Wednesday, December 14, 2011

{Are You Ready For Christmas?}

Things at work are extremely hectic right now, and while it only happens a couple times a year, I must admit the timing this time around could not be worse. It's Christmastime and we all have shopping to do, cookies to bake, and gifts to wrap {not to mention a body I'm trying to get in shape}. I'm kind of drowning in a to-do list that's a mile long {we all are}, but I know somehow it will all get done. Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward not only to the weekend, but the long vacation I get to take starting next Wednesday?  In the meantime, while at work, by trying to remain in the holiday spirit, I'll sip non-fat chai tea lattes in those fun little red Starbucks cups, stream Christmas tunes on my Pandora, and try not to think about all that needs to be done.
How close are you to being fully prepared for Christmas?

1 comment:

  1. well, I thought I was 100% ready for Christmas (leaving next Wednesday to join my family too), but then I started wrapping presents last night and realized there were a few holes in my list! eppp! Going to do some finishing-touches shopping this weekend. So then I should be good to go. However, I am not ambitious enough to attempt any cooking like you, maybe next year!


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