Thursday, November 17, 2011

{Recent Purchase Report}

I recently received a magazine in the mail from Fossil - and when I saw it I thought "Fossil?? How did I get on the mailing list for Fossil? They sell watches, right?" WRONG! I started flipping through the pages and after several ooohs and ahhhs,  I landed on these boots {shown below}, and I said "oh I'm so getting those" and went online to purchase them. It was literally love at first sight, and yesterday when I received them, I love them just as much {if not more} in person. They are the perfect height, sooo comfortable, and let's just say, for those that see me often - I apologize in advance because I will be wearing these all the time - so I don't want to hear you say "dang, she's wearing those again?" - k? If you also thought that Fossil only sold watches - click here and look through their site - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! (OH! - and check out the holiday lookbook that Kendi Everday did for Fossil - love her!!!)
Fossil shoes 1
Fossil shoes 2


  1. I was so on the "fossil only makes watches" page too... until I flipped through Kendi's lookbook for them yesterday... that was a great call for them, as it totally changed my perception of the brand! (she is such a doll too!) Love those booties, have fun rocking them this season :)

  2. Don't you just love Kendi, Jessica? It's amazing how successful she's become - definitely an inspiration! :-) PS. I sooo wanted to wear the boots today, but it was rainy - boo!

  3. Okay, I was just on the fossil site for half an hour. Thanks for the tip! AB


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