Wednesday, November 16, 2011

{Sweet Paul Magazine: Divine Chocolate}

The online holiday issue of Sweet Paul Magazine went live yesterday, and it's filled with all sorts of festive goodies and amazing photography. One thing that I haven't had in months, is chocolate, so right away this recipe jumped out at me. Doesn't it look so m-word* and delicious?
sweet paul chocolate cake
sweet paul chocolate cake recipe
{*moist is on a list of unspeakable words, so I refuse to allow it to come out of my mouth - lol}
PS - how do you like the new blog format?


  1. Oh my you don't want to know which m-word I thought of ^^ I was already wondering how a cake could be "m*..." in itself instead of "m*... good" ^^

  2. Lili - I'm intrigued... what "m-word" were you thinking of???

  3. That cake looks delicious! Pumpkin pie may need to take a backseat at Thanksgiving this year! Cute format, but I think I miss the old one... however, change is good! A new look to go with the upcoming new year!

  4. I like the new moody background! threw me off a little at first to see your shining face on the opposite side :)

  5. I'm loving the new blog layout. So sophisticated. Great choice! And yes, please don't say moist, palette, tendrils, knapsack, need I go on? ;)

  6. Thanks Gab, Jessica, and Laura - yes change is good! The blog needed a little updating :-)


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