Happy Weekend Peeps!! This is a quick snapshot of my 'office under the stairs' that I mentioned in my last post and a few people asked to see more of it. I spend most of my days here strategizing and cranking out orders for SIX EIGHTY EIGHT - and while yes it's in the cold basement, I love it because I know one day I'm going to have one heck of a story. It's no surprise that I will probably be right here all weekend and I have a lot of things to do - I'm trying to cram as much busy and administrative work into this next week before B-School starts on March 9th. I also have A LOT more pouches to make because of you and my customers, I sold out of almost all of them!!! So busy busy weekend for me. How about you? What's on your agenda?

1. Caramel brownies with a salted pretzel crust - say whaaa....
2. The scary power of negative words - good read over at Goop.
3. This Brass Himmeli Hanger DIY project looks amazing. I wish I had the time to make it as it would make for the perfect reading light or plant hanger!
4. How cute are these plastic bags? Definitely an idea for the brick and mortar!
5. I don't watch much TV anymore, but late a night once I "close up shop" I've been obsessed with watch documentaries on Netflix (what's everyone saying on Instagram? - my neck, my back, my Netflix and my snacks - hahaha!). My favorites so far are:
- Burt's Bees: all I can say is wow and now I want a Burt's Bees poster in my house
- Desert Runners: if you haven't guessed it, it's about marathon runners that complete 4 marathons across 4 of the world's toughest deserts - crazy and amazing
- The Summit: footage with of the events that transpired on August 1, 2008, which claimed the lives of eleven mountaineers trying to summit the K2 mountain - the world's most dangerous mountain
- Living On One Dollar: journey of four friends as they set out to live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala who battle hunger, parasites, and extreme financial stress).
If you're going to be snowed in this weekend, or don't have any plans - I highly suggest you watch any or all of these movies - you won't be disappointed.
Enjoy your weekend!!!
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