Thursday, June 3, 2010

{Etsy Finds: No Rhyme or Reason}

Everything doesn't have to have a rhyme or reason, does it? Bruce Barton quotes - "Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress". Now you may think that this quote may seem a little heavy for this post, but it's true - sometimes it's necessary to just go with the flow and this is exactly what I did today when putting together some amazing Etsy finds. I experienced what many {if not all} bloggers/writers go through this morning, and that is a creative block. I didn't know what I was going to post and as I always strive to share things that inspire - I decided to research pages and pages of Etsy items, picking and choosing some of my faves.

Odd enough, after looking at the items that I gathered, I realize my attraction to each shop came from their delicate and simply stated elegance. So I suppose {even though I didn't set out to do so} these pieces in fact do have an overall theme - a rhyme and a reason. This unexpected experiement has taught me that everything doesn't have to be so calculated and planned out - simply going with the flow allows you to explore and live in your creative independence. So without further ado here are few treasures to share with you today… I hope you enjoy!

No rhyme or reason 1
love jessica


  1. Lovely, Jessica. Ashley

  2. HA! We're in love with the same cake stand...

    Your #2 is my #5.


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