Over the weekend, I was in the mood for a little retail therapy {see below for the damage}, so I did what I do best and went shopping. I went to the Nordstrom Anniversary sale first, then headed down to Anthropologie and Crate & Barrel, until me and my friend Ros left with a bunch of bags weighing us down and decided that we should go on a spending strike for a couple of weeks. So as of Saturday evening, I am not allowed to purchase a thing. I can pin and drool away, but I cannot purchase {oh Lord, what did I just agree to?}...so let the strike attempt begin...

1. Jeffrey Campbell orange suede peep toe heels (Nordstrom)
2. White boyfriend jacket (Gap)
3. Gold teardrop earrings (Nordstrom)
4. Voluspa Suede Blanc Candle (Nordstrom) I'm usually a lover of fruity and fresh scents, but this one is masculine leather blend and I LOVE it - like... LOVE IT!
5. Shiny hammered gold bangles (Nordstrom)
6. Ceramic berry colander (Crate & Barrel) - I also purchased these popsicle molds - can't wait to use them!
How was your weekend? What did you do?

I LOVE this post!!! I think it's fantastic and inspirational how you paired the Voluspa Suede Blanc candle (http://www.candlesoffmain.com/voluspa-maison-blanc-suede-blanc-candle-12oz-jar.aspx) with this beautiful outfit. Fantastic.