Friday, March 28, 2014

{Weekend Plans + Friday Finds}

Happy dance - happy dance - its Friday - woo woo - its Friday - woo woo! Happy Friday Peeps!!! If you can tell - I'm really excited that the weekend is here. Not for any particular reason - well, maybe because I get to turn my brain off for a couple of days. The past week has been full of thinking, making decisions, thinking, planning, and this girl needs a break!
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1. As I'm starting to cross off my New York Bucket List - I plan to visit the Museum at FIT this weekend. Looking forward to this as its just a quick walk from my apartment. 

2. My sister and I have heard nothing but great things about Long Island City - so we are going to visit, walk around, and see what this neighborhood as to offer. Depending on if I decide to stay in New York or not, this neighborhood could be a possible contender for my next apartment. 

3. This will happen only if my sister and I can fast all day. I can just imagine what the calories are for 1 piece of deep dish pizza - and who eats just 1 piece?? If we go this will definitely check off one of my Bucket List places to eat - so we are going to try our hardest.

4. Happy Bones - my new favorite coffee spot. I have to take back a couple of shirts that I bought last week - so stopping by this cute little spot is a must.

5. I'm sure you've heard that Sprinkles Cupcakes now has an ATM cupcake machine here in New York. I really really want to go check it out - although I'm sure the line will be ridiculous. Who am I kidding - I'm not afraid of lines - if it's worth it, I will wait!

6. Next Thursday is the start of a long-awaited girlfriends weekend (I can't even tell you how excited I am about this - its waaaaay overdue - but more about that later) so in preparation I have to do some laundry and get these bushy eyebrows done. 

Oh and lets not forget March Madness - all weekend I'll be glued to the TV (whether at home or at a bar) as I'm completely obsessed. I'm not much of a college basketball watcher throughout the regular season, but when it comes to March Madness - I'm all in! My bracket is completely blown - so let's see how it all shakes out!

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1. Have you ever layered your perfumes? I have a small (actually not so small) obsession with fragrances, but never thought about layering them......until now. 

3. This Brooklyn townhouse kitchen - EV ER Y THING! Truly this is my ideal kitchen - I would sleep in here.

5. I believe that the word "no" is a complete sentence. I've always been a yes girl - a sure no problem just add it to my pile girl - always wanting to please everyone and wanting to provide and 'be all I could be' - but I now believe in the power of "no" as it is one of the most important aspects of living a life filled with balance, integrity, and authenticity. Our ability and capacity to say "no" with confidence is one of the most important aspects of creating peace and power in our lives. This is about creating healthy boundaries, honoring ourselves, and being real -- it's not about being closed, cynical, or unwilling.  (sorry got a little winded there - stepping off soapbox now...)

Enjoy your weekend Peeps!

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