Monday, February 24, 2014

{I've Caught The Travel Bug}

Since I have been held captive in the house over the last couple of weeks (THANK YOU for the well wishes, texts, emails, etc. I'm definitely feeling better but still have a little ways to go), my mind has gone into overdrive about all the things I will do and places I will go once I start to feel better. I've caught the travel bug and desperately want to start to plan at least one trip this year. 

Taking a road trip is something that I've always wanted to do. Start from anywhere on the east coast and travel across the country to California making lots of stops along the way, taking pictures at all state lines, picking up cheesy souvenirs, eating at diners, checking out weird attractions and national parks, making memories - doesn't that sound like fun?? Sure traveling across Europe is also on my list, but there's also so many places here in America that I still want to see and experience. What better way to do that than a road trip?!
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I'm not sure why I've never done this... I've always lived pretty close to water, and have never taken my art supplies along with me. This is something that I will definitely do this summer! 
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Now this is a dream trip - definitely not happening in the nearest future - but lately I've added Thailand to my wish list and would love to swim with the elephants. It seems scary, maybe a little gross, but how could it not be one of the most exhilarating and beautiful experiences you could have? 
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So now it's time to start planning. I would love to do a road trip this year, but it will depend on finding the right travel partner/s to tag along. There's always a cruise, or Vegas, or an all-inclusive trip I could take - but thought I would take a poll and see if 1. you have any trips planned for this year, and 2. if you have any great/cost-effective vacation ideas that I can plan. Would love to get your thoughts!


Cabin-fever in NYC

1 comment:

  1. I think Live Your Life 2014 needs to get on the books! And I also love how you mentioned that swimming with elephants might be a little gross. Keepin' it real. So glad you are starting to feel better! And you could always head South on your road trip instead of West! :-)


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