Thursday, February 27, 2014

{Building A Brand: Six Eighty Eight Jewelry}

I need your help! As I'm making big strides in getting my jewelry shop back up and running, I need some advice as to what logo I should select. I have my top favorites but I thought I would poll my readers to see what you think. As my line is more stream-lined and delicate, I wanted the logo to reflect the same. So what do you think? Please comment below with which one is your favorite!!
Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 7.24.24 PM


  1. #2 gets my vote.
    With #5, I either see "68" or a snowman with a comb-over ;)


  2. I kinda liked #5 until someone said it looked liked a snowman with a comb over!!! It reminded me of a necklace. Now that I no longer see the necklace, I will have to go with #1. I like the idea of the script for #4 but would like to see a different script font (or maybe bigger??)

  3. I like 2 & 3! I can't wait to see your jewelry :)

  4. 1-4 are really good!

  5. Thanks everyone for commenting and selecting your favorites. I think I may go with #1 and then have something fun planned for #5. Stay tuned!!!

  6. Yep, #2 gets my vote, nice and clean! Good luck with your endeavor!


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